Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Responsability a.k.a. Response-ability

Well, its been a month since I've last posted. We'll see how this thang evolves. My wife's boss sent the following group of words out to her company from an unknown source. I was inspired, or better said, I was gladly reminded. I hope you are too!

Ok, it's official. We're in a recession. We hear it everywhere. The question is, "What do
we do?" I can tell you what most people are going to do. They are going to live and
respond by fear, which means they are going to be left out of the recovery that always
follows a recession.

So here's what I want to do; give you the six very best abilities that you can have during
a recession, plus one, so you can start getting ahead of the crowd before the recovery.
Here they are:

1. Ability number one is Likeability. If you haven't figured it out yet, you can be the
smartest guy in the room. You can have great ideas. But if nobody likes you, no one's
going to adopt your ideas, and nothing you want is going to get done. Even in today's
market, people are selective about who they do business with. If you don't have
likeability, you're going to be out in the cold.

2. The second best ability is Adaptability. Again, we're in a recession, which means the
rules are changing. I think we're in a global transformation, or transition between old,
corrupt, and sick systems, to new, more entrepreneurial, capitalistic-based. All that
simply means is, you have to be adaptable. It's not going to be "business as usual." If you
can't roll with the punches, roll up your sleeves, you're going to be left out.

3. Ability number three is Teachability. You're going to have learn how to do new things
like how to put up web sites and use technology and the internet. If you're not teachable,
then you're going to be working at the drive-thru window at McDonald's.

4. The next best ability is Dependability. You show up and do what you say you will do.
Here's a hint. During these down times, make sure you cover the small bases. Be on time.
If you have a meeting at 8:30, be there at 8:20. Be dependable. Do what you say, when
you say you will do it. People have a long memory when it comes to this kind of stuff.

5. Ability number five is Reliability. This differs from the previous in that we're talking
here not about your character, but about your work. Make sure people know you do great
work, that you take pride in what you do, you strive for excellence, that your work is
always done right, and they can rely on it.

6. The sixth best ability is Humility. We're living in a day when people aren't impressed
with your limousine and all your luxury items. They are not impressed with titles,
accomplishments, and corner offices. They're looking for people with genuine humility.
These are the people who are not impressed with themselves, but who are all about the
task. This is the attitude that says, "It's not about me; it's about you." If you really,
genuinely want to help people, it will come through in sense of humility.

7. And the 6 + 1 best ability that trumps all the other abilities is Responsibility. Here I am
not talking about reliability, or humility. I'm talking about response-ability. Take that
word apart. You have the ability to respond. This trumps all the other abilities. Listen to
what I am saying. Because we live in a reactionary time, that's the worst possible thing
you can do. What do you hear every single day? These four things repeated in their
variations: We've got to hunker down, cut back, sell short, and wait it out. Those are all
reactive responses motivated by fear.

If you're going to be a part of the recovery that's coming, the new world that's being
created, you have to learn how to be proactive and take initiative based on faith, vision,
energy, enthusiasm, and the common good. Nothing else will be tolerated.

1 comment:

  1. Jerad, this is an inspiring post - thanks for sharing. And thanks for living out these things as well. You shine in what you do. Keep up the great attitude and the great work!

    - George C
